The Taulabé Caves are just off of the CA5 highway about 140 miles south of San Pedro Sula, , Honduras
300 meters of steps, handrails and lighting have been installed in the cave. Tours can be arranged deeper than 300m. Taulabé Caves, Honduras
The full extent of this cave and it’s several branches have not been explored, Taulabé Caves, Honduras
Limestone formations in the Taulabé Caves, Honduras. The temperature and humidity increased as we got deeper into the cave
Limestone formations in the Taulabé Caves, Honduras. The lights worked for the first 150 meters into the cave. Beyond that we had to use flashlights
We visited a coffee plantation just outside of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras. This is the processing plant which was not operating during our visit
Banana trees which have been planted to protect young coca plants at a coffee plantation just outside of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras
Coffee picker. The harvest season had just started at this coffee plantation just outside of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras